Fachübersetzungsdienst GmbH - Übersetzungsbüro![]() Translation and localization services in all languages. By selecting the right subject experts, we guarantee a uniformly high level of implementation of your translation projects. Our specialists take up translation of different types of texts from jurisprudence and business, technology or medicine by virtue of their proven subject knowledge and linguistic competence. Following the four-eyes principle, we subsequently proofread your translations and take care of the precision of content and language. |
Twigg's Translations
German translation native speaker - specialising in the translation of web-sites, brochures documents, patents and personal correspondence from German to English and English to German. Also offering proofreading.
Our Startup Company has over 250 registered professional translators, that can be directly contacted using the search.
ATW Technische Fachübersetzungen & Patentübersetzungen
Fachübersetzungen für Technik.
Translation in English, German and French.
Bernd Ohm – Autorenblog
Freelance writing and translation from English, Spanish and Portuguese into German. Based in Berlin.
Claus Jochner Übersetzungen, Spanisch, Englisch, Deutsch - München/Schwabing
Öffentlich bestellter und beeidigter Übersetzer in München Schwabing mit über 20 Jahren Erfahrung in Fachtexten, Dokumentationen und Urkunden aller Art.
DANILINGUA | Diplom-Übersetzerin, Dolmetscherin | Frankfurt am Main
DANILINGUA | Diplom-Übersetzerin, Dolmetscherin, Sprecherin, Moderatorin | Rödermark bei Frankfurt am Main ☎ 06074 922939 ✘
dialog translations Oldenburg
Ermächtigte Dolmetscher & vereidigte Übersetzer für Technik, Marketing und Recht Hans Christian v. Steuber & Team Übersetzen - Dolmetschen - Texten - Lektorat.
Machine or automated translations, translation memory tools, software localization and globalization, terminology creation, localization consulting, all major languages.
Welcome to DokuTrans Translation Services
DokuTrans Translation Services, the professional partner for your translations.
Polnisch Übersetzungen / Tłumacz Polski EEC Kulaszewski Hamburg
Vereidigte Übersetzungen Polnisch. Tłumacz przysięgły języka niemieckiego. Über 30 Jahre Erfahrung. Ponad 30 lat doświadczenia.
Edmée-Sylvia Kary
Translation and on-line language courses.
eFacilities Management and Solutions
efmands is a translation agency specializing in multi lingual web design, indian language translation, international language translation and interpretation.
Theodor Eichberger (1835-1917): Dichter, Humorist & Bildhauer zu Mainz
Humorist und Lokalpoet im Mainz des ausgehenden 19. Jh, Herausgeber des Satireblatts 'Mainzer Schwewwel'. Lebte ab 1875 in Seligenstadt am Main. Seine Narrhalla-Vorträge erzielten oft die Palme des Abends.
Heike Kurtz – Übersetzungsdienst
Heike Kurtz – Übersetzungen Englisch - Französisch / Wirtschaft, Außenhandel.
Helena Wulgari-Popp
Translation in German, English and Greek. Based in Germany. Language Translation Services
Language translation of highest possible quality. English-German, IT and Finance.
Language & Web
Translation in German, Arabic, French, English and Russian. Based in Germany.
Juliane Schmitt
Juliane Schmitt, a qualified translator from Berlin, is your trusted partner for professional and fast translation from English or Dutch into German.
Translation service based in Germany.
KERN Global Language Services | Translation and interpretation in all languages
More than a translation agency, KERN has been offering language services such as translation, interpretation and much more worldwide for over 45 years.
Austrian Translation and Language Service.
Translation services from the translation company Lengua Translations
We offer professional translation services and interpreting services (all languages). Ask our translation company for a quote - you will receive it today!
LINGUATECH - Linguatech
LinguaTech translators have extensive knowledge in the areas of technology, economics and the sciences. We specialize in the translation of: handbooks manuals scientific publications software localization We are capable to translate into any language and will strictly adhere to your terminology requirements. Additionally we offer the following services: desktop publishing (DTP) editing post editing download udemy …
Marktplatz4 Translation Services
Offers translations in multiple languages, multilingual multimedia presentations and website localisation.
MH TransConsult
We specialize in various fields of industry, including Mechanical Engineering, Software, Legal, Business and Finance, and Marketing.
Professional German Translations from English, Spanish, French - Technical, Medical, Business and Legal
MM translations, Inc. is a German translation service offering professional translations from English, Spanish and French into German. We specialize in technical, medical, pharmaceutical, business and legal translations.
Popper Translations & Proofreading Services
Translation and proofreading in English, Hebrew and German. Price and contact information.
Translation, interpreting and dubbing in all languages and all specialist fields.
brucca - Translation and DTP service Chinese German English
brucca provides translation and DTP service from and into Chinese, German, English.
Renate Dunwoodie - Übersetzungen - Translations ... Colin Dunwoodie - Musiker - Musician
Übersetzungs-Partner - Fremdsprachen-Übersetzungen.
Technische Übersetzungen
Technical translation in English and German.
trans|k - Sprachdienstleistungen Englisch und Deutsch
Sprachdienstleistungen und Übersetzung Englisch und Deutsch. - technische Übersetzungen Berlin
technische Übersetzungen nach DIN15038 mit Hauptsitzt in Berlin - Werner Behnke.
Carol A. Mueller German to English translator in Jacksonville Florida
German to English translator (American English, USE, AE) since 1997. Translations, language services investments, banking, documents, photography, IT.
Interpreting, proofreading, text formatting and text adaptation in German, Italian, English, French and Spanish.